Welcome to the Economics course page. This is a one-semester survey course of many economic concepts. Major points of emphasis include the consumer-producer relationship and the role of fiscal and monetary policy in the 21st century.
There are four textbook based units and a final application unit. Investing and personal finance are themes throughout the semester.
Linked below are class lectures, unit resources, video content, and more. The Quarterly Reports page is linked to the right, as is the page for Case Studies that will be utilized in class. There you will find the required content for each of the QRs on a single page. Class syllabus can be found here.
Additional Resources
Textbook: Chapters, 1, 2, and 3.
Investing Mini-Unit
Unit 2 - Microeconomics
(Supply and Demand)
The second unit is an introduction to microeconomics. In a nutshell, microeconomics looks at the relationship and driving forces between the consumer (demand) and the producer (supply). Key areas of study include an analysis of the factors that drive consumers, the factors that drive producers, efficiency in the market, price controls, elasticy of demand, and what price signals in the market.
Video Content
Additional Resources
Textbook: Chapters: 4, 5, and 6.
Econ U$A - Supply and Demand - PDF
Econ U$A - Price Controls (Efficiency)
Supply and Demand Newspaper Assignment - PDF
Examples for S& D Newspaper (PDF)
In Class Review Work for Supply and Demand
Unit Review Sheet
Unit 3 - Macroeconomics Pt. 1
(Money, Wages, Inflation, Market Structures)
The third unit is an introduction to macroeconomics. This unit encompasses the first half of the macro content we will cover in class. Included topics are money, wage theory, inflation, organized labor, and market structures. There is an emphasis on the four kinds of market structures and how the consumer interacts with the businesses within.
Video Content
Additional Resources
Textbook: Chapters: 8, and 7.
Mackerel - A Fishy Sort of Money - PDF
Consumer Price Index Wkst - PDF
A Message From Our Sponsors Wkst - PDF
Greatest Movie Ever Sold Wkst
Unit 4 - Macroeconomics Pt. 2
(Fiscal & Monetary Policy)
The fourth unit is an introduction to the side of macroeconomics that deals with control of the economy from the government. This unit encompasses the second half of the macro content we will cover in class. Included topics are national accounting practices, the business cycle, the Keynesian revolution, fiscal policy tools, monetary policy, as well as the consequences of the business cycle which include bubbles, unemployment, inflation, etc.
Video Content
Additional Resources
Textbook: Chapters: 13, 14, and 15.
Comparing GDP Wkst (Doc) - PDF
Econ U$A - Keynes Wkst (Docx) - PDF
Econ U$A - Fiscal Policy Wkst - PDF
The Fiscal Ship (Docx) - PDF
Unit Review Sheet
Unit 5 - Application & Personal Finance
The fifth unit is an application unit where major topics from the previous units are applied. The unit seeks to bring together the many topics we cover in ways that are relevant to the business world of today. The unit also covers the basics of personal finance and life planning.